Radical Design Course by Jack McDade

From the creator of Statamic

Learn how to make your websites standout and be remembered.

For a software dev like me who has no idea how to create a cute hand-drawn dashed line, this course just 100% works.

— Ira Zayats, Developer

sort Modifier

Sort an array by key as parameter 1 and direction (asc/desc) as parameter 2. If sorting a primitive list no parameters are necessary.

- Zebra
- Alpha
- Bravo
last_name: Zebra
first_name: Zealous
last_name: Alpha
first_name: Altruistic
last_name: Bravo
first_name: Blathering
{{ primitive | sort | list }}
{{ complex | sort('last_name') }}
Hello, {{ first_name }} {{ last_name }}
{{ /complex }}
{{ complex | sort('last_name', 'desc') }}
Hello, {{ first_name }} {{ last_name }}
{{ /complex }}
Alpha, Bravo, Zebra
Hello, Altruistic Alpha
Hello, Blathering Bravo
Hello, Zealous Zebra
Hello, Zealous Zebra
Hello, Blathering Bravo
Hello, Altruistic Alpha
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